Limited Unlimited plans for the NBN


Growing Little Guru
This one ?

No idea what is this one or the previous one from Foxi...
I think both of you want munny bahts for them...
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New Member
btw guys, after our last upgrade we have more bandwidth than when I last checked with aaNet :happy

But we are still very small.

I think you are going to struggle to see the larger players offer genuine fast speeds at a low price - even iiNet has suffered large amounts of CVC congestion in lots of places. They put their prices up too.

The big guys base their network on 100-150kbit/sec/customer - that is up to around 30-50GB per month. We started out needing to support 2Mbit/sec from the getgo - even with few customers, because 100Mbits is so very, very peaky. The NBN really does shake things up for the market.

For AusBBS, a DSL service on the network is like dialup in terms of comparison - not a blip on our network. That is why we offer it as Unlimited.

Our DSL on-net offer is $39.85 with Unlimited Data and +$20 ($59.85) Including line rental. Although not on the site I can do a special for everyone here +$10 for Zone1($50 standalone $70Bundle) and +$20 for regional($60 Standalone $80 Bundle). Special for Gurus, $50setup & NoContract.

Support is all based in Australia (and always will be!), and all staff 'telecommute' - like I have been for 13 years.

We have serious backers - exOzemail, exUUnet, exWebCentral, and of course Me :happy

I am building a new site, but that should give you a bit of a rundown.

Thanks for reading :happy