Your speed is up and down


Growing Little Guru
Do you get shaped with Internode?

Oh,YES,Foxi! :tearful

This is an automated message generated at 13/10/2010 20:52:32; and has been sent in order to assist you to manage your account usage.

Your current usage for the account *** has exceeded 70% of your usage allowance this month.

At the time this message was generated, you had used 21900 Mbytes. Your monthly usage allowance is currently 30000 Mbytes.

This is an automated message generated at 16/10/2010 12:21:24; and has been sent in order to assist you to manage your account usage.

Your current usage for the account *** has exceeded 90% of your usage allowance this month.

At the time this message was generated, you had used 27052 Mbytes. Your monthly usage allowance is currently 30000 Mbytes.

This is an automated message generated at 16/10/2010 16:51:20; and has been sent in order to assist you to manage your account usage.

Your current usage for the account *** has exceeded 100% of your usage allowance this month.

At the time this message was generated, you had used 30040 Mbytes. Your monthly usage allowance is currently 30000 Mbytes.

No excess usage fees are incurred on this plan; however your download rate has been reduced until your next rollover date (17/10/2010 )

You do not need to take any action, however we will apply 'shaping' which will reduce the speed of your service until your next rollover date.

misi, I thought I saw where you had great speeds. Did you change isp's?...I can't remember. :?
No,I didn't Okee. The explanation is above.:tearful
Naughty family. One PC and two lappy on, ate quickly the 30 Gigs.

Back to normal now:

Item ..............Downstream Upstream Unit
SNR Margin ...........9 .............9 ........dB
Line Attenuation ...12 ............6 ........dB
Data Rate ...........18708 .......1018 ....kbps


Growing Little Guru

My upload speed is improving with AnnexM :


Your current profile is ADSL2+ Annex M Standard

ADSL1 Very High Reliability
Maximum ADSL1 reliability. Use this profile if you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on both the Standard and High Reliability profiles. This is the default profile for ADSL1 services.
ADSL2+ Annex M Low Latency
Ideal profile for Gamers, select this profile for low pings. This profile may cause stability issues depending on your modem and phone line.
ADSL1 High Reliability
If you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on the standard ADSL1 profile, try this profile, it may increase the reliability of the connection.
ADSL2+ Annex M High Speed
This profile will increase the speed of your ADSL2+ Annex M service, however it may cause stability issues depending on your modem and phone line.
ADSL2+ Low Latency
Ideal profile for Gamers, select this profile for low pings. This profile may cause stability issues depending on your modem and phone line.
ADSL2+ Annex M Initial
This is the profile new Annex M customers receive by default. It offers high stability with a nominal 8Mb/s downstream data limit.
ADSL2+ Annex M Very High Speed
This profile will run your ADSL2+ Annex M service at the highest possible speed. It will only work on very stable lines, it is very likely to cause stability issues on lines that are not very close to the telephone exchange. If you are unsure about the quality of your line, or your distance from the telephone exchange, do not select this profile.
ADSL2+ Very High Speed
This profile will run your ADSL2+ service at the highest possible speed. It will only work on very stable lines, it is very likely to cause stability issues on lines that are not very close to the telephone exchange. If you are unsure about the quality of your line, or your distance from the telephone exchange, do not select this profile.
ADSL2+ Annex M High Reliability
If you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on the standard ADSL2+ profile, try this profile, it may increase the reliability of the connection. This is the default Annex M profile for new ADSL2+ services.
ADSL2+ Annex M Very High Reliability
Maximum ADSL2+ reliability. Use this profile if you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on both the Standard and High Reliability profiles.
ADSL2+ Very High Reliability
Maximum ADSL2+ reliability. Use this profile if you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on both the Standard and High Reliability profiles.
ADSL2+ Standard
General ADSL2+ Profile, suitable for most users. This profile may also provide a better connection for users with a very long phone line.
ADSL1 Standard
General ADSL1 Profile. Suitable for most users.
ADSL2+ Annex M Standard
General ADSL2+ Annex M profile, Annex M provides higher upstream speeds at the sacrifice of some downstream speed. Your modem must support Annex M.
ADSL2+ High Reliability
If you have trouble maintaining a stable connection on the standard ADSL2+ profile, try this profile, it may increase the reliability of the connection.
ADSL2+ Initial
This is the profile new customers receive by default. It offers high stability with a nominal 8Mb/s downstream data limit.
ADSL2+ High Speed
This profile will increase the speed of your ADSL2+ service, however it may cause stability issues depending on your modem and phone line.
ADSL1 Low Latency
Ideal profile for Gamers, select this profile for low pings. This profile may cause stability issues depending on your modem and phone line.