Current usage


Growing Little Guru
Dear Internode customer,

This is an automated message generated at 16/05/2010 19:21:48; and has been sent in order to assist you to manage your account usage.

Your current usage for the account ****@****.*** has exceeded 100% of your usage allowance this month.

At the time this message was generated, you had used 31308 Mbytes. Your monthly usage allowance is currently 30000 Mbytes.

No excess usage fees are incurred on this plan; however your download rate has been reduced until your next rollover date (17/5/2010 )

You do not need to take any action, however we will apply 'shaping' which will reduce the speed of your service until your next rollover date.

You have the option of :

* reducing your usage (eg by disabling peer to peer filesharing or other high download services); or
* purchasing additional data blocks for an instant quota upgrade; or
* upgrading to a plan with a higher monthly quota (although this only takes effect at your next rollover date).

Please read this page for further information :

You can purchase additional data blocks, or schedule an upgrade to a higher quota plan, by visiting our My Internode at: and selecting 'Change ADSL Plan

Tools for monitoring your Internet usage are available at

If you have any further questions, you can log an online support request at or call us on 13 NODE (13 6633) during office hours.

Thank you for using Internode!

Although my usage meter reports that I have: Metered usage remaining:-2,218 MB,I have my full speed back.