Some Exetel Changes


Active Member
Changes To Exetel Broadband Plans

Since Exetel began offering broadband services in January 2004 we have made every effort to increase the value and capabilities of the plans we offer.

From October 1st 2007 we will make the following additional facilities available:

Email Addresses The current number of email addresses will be increased from 15 to 20

Web Space The amount of free web space will be increased from 60 megabytes to 200 megabytes

Static IP Each account will continue to have one static IP address

Free SMS You can send 20 free SMS messages from your broadband service at no charge each month; after 20 the charge is 5 cents per message

Referral Bonus (ADSL1 Only) If you refer a relative, friend or colleague you will receive a credit of $30.00 per referral to your Exetel account

We will also make two changes to the way the off peak period works from 1st November 2007:

Off Peak Time (1) The download allowance between 12 midnight and 12 noon each day will be increased from 40 gbytes to 48 gbytes

Off Peak Time (2) Downloads over 72 gbytes in the 12 midnight to 12 noon period will be charged at $3.00 per gbyte